Su Qingyu looked at Cheng Ruijin coldly, "Husband Who are you calling husband Do you have any shame It's useless to think about him, you will never be able to marry into the Shen family.",Cheng Ruijin, upon hearing this, not only did not get angry, but laughed heartily a few times. Then, gritting her teeth, she said: "Of course I have my way, but in a while, it will be hard on elder sister, don't scream too loud.",She had been married to Shen Zhao for three years without consummation. Shen Zhao's excuse was that he wasn't capable on that front. She bore the pressure from the Shen family alone and secretly studied pharmacology. Since Shen Zhao didn't even have a concubine, she didn't suspect anything and instead cared for him everywhere, fearing he would be depressed or inferior.。